Autodesk University – 2 classes sur le Développement durable et la Créativité en Architecture par Emmanuel Di Giacomo en vote sur le site AU

Chers Toutes et Tous,

Cette année, Autodesk University – le rendez-vous des passionnés de technologies, d’innovation et de solutions Autodesk sera totalement totalement virtuel. Emmanuel Di Giacomo tentera de présenter à cette occasion 2 classes dont vous trouverez le détail ci-dessous. Si vous pensez qu’elles peuvent être intéressantes, n’hésitez pas à voter pour elles en cliquant ici. Un grand merci par avance.

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Un grand merci par avance si vous les soutenez.


1/ Digital and BIM, building a better and more sustainable world

Our planet is facing the biggest challenges it had never seen in its all its life. Environment being at risk and destructed by human, acceleration of cities growth, acceleration of population in the future megacities of tomorrow. The building industry consumes a large part of our natural resources. There’s a big demand for houses and infrastructures to welcome these future populations and buildings are generating a large part of the carbon footprint on our planet. What are the solutions to overcome all these challenges and make a better world for our children and our children’s children? Digital and BIM is certainly the best way to bring some concrete and very pragmatic answers. In this class, you’ll see how Autodesk’s BIM and digital solutions are helping shaping the beautiful world of tomorrow. Through very concrete examples and solutions, you’ll see thatsustainability is not a dream anymore.

 2/ Analog, Digital and BIM, the impact on Architectural creativity

At a time where Digital and BIM are becoming increasingly more important, many Architects and Designers still think it limits creativity and tends to replace them. Some of these designers and creators think it gives life to poor architecture and built environment. Supporters of analog approaches, and traditional methods also want to create an artificial barrier between tradition and innovation, and between Tech Experts and traditional tools and pens champions. This is not a 21st century topic but an old one since Renaissance time and even more maybe. The most beautiful, practical, optimal and poetic creations are the results of a perfect balance between traditional practices like sketching and the use of advanced processes like BIM and visualization technologies.

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